Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rebekah-- 6 Months Post-Surgery and 7 months old Update

It is hard to believe that it has already been 6 months since her first surgery. And she is 7 months old tomorrow.  When we left the hospital she was on the medications Zantac and Lasix twice a day. And she had monthly cardiology appointments. She no longer needs the Zantac and her cardiologist cut back to Lasix once a day.  She has 3 small leaks now so she was put on Captopril 3 times a day but also got to lengthen her time in between cardiology appointments to every 2 months which she has another one next week.  Her incision looks great as well.

She is 25 inches long and is 13 lbs. 7.5 oz.  She sleeps very good at night about 10 pm until 6 am.; nap times are a different story. We call her our little "tumbleweed" because she loves moving all around on the floor; rolling and scooting.  She is a fast little mover.  We are struggling a little bit with baby food but I am sure that will get better soon. She is a very happy sweet baby that smiles all day.  She adores her Big Brother and Big Sister and has everyone wrapped around her little finger. All in All, Bekah couldn't be doing any better. Our Prayers have been answered and our prayers are continuing that she stays healthy so the next surgery is as far away as possible.

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