Sunday, August 15, 2010

Coming Home

We were told at rounds on 2-28-10 that once A.J. and I  went to a CPR class and Bekah got her staples out, another ECHO and The Car Seat Test was completed; we would get to go HOME.   So, I called A.J. and told him to get up to K.C. and pick BOTH of us up.

 We were than scheduled to take the CPR class on Monday 3-1-10 and her staples and ECHO would be done Monday also so it was just a matter of the Car Seat Test ( had to keep SATs up while in the Car Seat for the 3 hours it takes to drive Home). So , we prepared to do that overnight and so After 3 hours, we asked our nurse if we were okay with the test and if it was okay to get her out of her seat.  She told us everything was good and so it was fine.  She never told us that she didn't keep her SATs up enough in those 3 hours.  She could have told us so we didn't keep her in that car Seat Longer than necessary.  That 3 hours was ONE of the most nerve wrecking time. It was quite stressful because going home was on the line, you know?  Anyway,   She had a nurse the next day that actually requested to have Bekah again since we were still there.  She helped  us through and checked on us more just because we told her about her night nurse and that 2nd time through we got that test done so we were good  there. 

The Following Morning at Rounds, we were asked  "Are you ready to get out of here?"  Well, YES of Course we were. It was a "DUH!" kind of response. I don't know if the resident was trying to be funny or not. 

On March 2, 2010, after 6 weeks of everyday, all day up at a hospital... 6 weeks of being away from Home...6 weeks of being away from Mandi and Luke... it was finally over and we would soon be home with my entire family.  My parents didn't tell Mandi and Luke that Bekah and Mommy were coming home. They were so surprised and screamed and ran into my arms.  It was one of the sweetest moments.  Thanks Mom and Dad so very much, for the 6 weeks of taking care of my Older Babies so I could be with My Heart Baby!!

The adjustment period would now start.  My Sweet Baby was 6 weeks old but felt younger due to bringing her home for the first time.  Mandi and Luke weren't used to a baby around or sharing Mommy with anyone else aside from each other.

We were ALL Home Finally and that Is the greatest Feeling!!

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