Saturday, July 10, 2010

Traveling to CMH

I'm sorry about the lapse in time between posts. It's been a hectic few weeks.

Because of very dense foggy weather, Bekah was transferred to Children's Mercy Hospital (CMH) by ground ambulance instead of being airlifted on Jan. 19th at around 1 p.m.

I was trying to get discharged as quickly as possible. I was thankful I was well enough to be able to travel so soon after giving birth. It was a 200 mile journey. It was less than 24 hours after delivery that I was allowed to walk out of the hospital (with pain medications of course).

A.J. and I drove in the dangerous fog in order to meet our baby girl at CMH. My parents would watch Amanda and Lucas while we went to K.C. I was thrilled that all 3 of us got to CMH at the same time. I hated that I was forced to be away from her that long and not knowing how she was doing. We were told later that she was a perfect traveler and better than most babies.

We weren't even thinking about lodging. Luckily we were told about Ronald McDonald House Charities(RMHC) and we were able to get to stay at one of the houses. It was a short walk;but up a hill. It was difficult with myself still recovering. They did provide a shuttle but didn't find out about it until later on. I was still feeling very sore, emotional, stressed and exhausted but RMHC provided a little relief and comfort.

Until the next blog post... God Bless You All!!

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