Friday, June 11, 2010

Having my Baby Girl

It was a planned pregnancy and I had high blood pressure with all 3 pregnancies so nothing really unusual there. But, because of HBP I would need monthly sonograms in the 3rd trimester to check on baby's growth. There was a couple trips to the hospital because my blood pressure spiked very high so monitering was done on baby and me. Everything was fine at those trips. A few weeks later at one of my monthly sonograms they discoverd that I had polyhydramnios( extra amniotic fluid) and my Dr. proceeded in ordering weekly biophysicals which are mini sonograms. It seemed that the baby would Pass one week and then the next she would Fail which meant an extra trip to OB for Nonstress test. So, with all these complications I was scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks gestation. I was informed that I would feel her moving more because of the extra fluid and I DID. She felt very Low also; I would lay in bed and think "Please don't let me break my water here". That would have been another story altogether.

I got to the hospital on the morning of January 18, 2010. It seemed to go pretty smoothly at first but then I wasn't progressing like they wanted and there was some decels in baby's heartbeat. I seemed to be stalled at 6 centimeters. There was mention of a C-section. So, they broke my water and at one point they stopped Pitocin for a little bit. But, after my water was broke and they resumed Pitocin, there was some progress and it was time to push. It was about an 8 hour Labor and just a couple of pushes later; My little Baby Girl was here. She was perfect and sweet and healthy... so we thought.

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